Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Sure Deal: Selling Small Business Owner Disability Insurance to Law Firms

With skilled lawyers from big and small law firms alike working on these profitable cases, there is an opportunity for insurance brokers and financial professionals to jump in and offer small law offices small business disability insurance plans provided by Source Brokerage, Inc. Disability income insurance can provide surety to high-income attorneys that in the event they are knocked out of action—whether by accident or illnesss—their income is protected and their future is secure. As a broker, how would you sell the idea of disability insurance to a lawyer? Whether the lawyer is just beginning his career or already a senior partner in the firm, he will always feel confident that he will be able to maintain his high income. A broker who understands the unpredictability of fate can raise the possibility of a disabling illness or injury and the loss of income that could occur from this type of unexpected event.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tips for Selling Physician Disability Insurance: Stress and Disability

Doctors are among the most frequent buyers of individual disability insurance, so if you want to be a successful disability insurance adviser or agent, you have to tap this market. Selling physician disability insurance may require some creative selling on your part, because medical professionals are often too busy to sit down long enough to listen to your extended sales pitch. Nonetheless, if you think about it, you could actually use it to your advantage.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

When Income Ceases: Persuading People to Buy Disability Insurance

Many workers have group long term disability plans through their employer, and this is certainly advantageous for most occupations. However, some occupations require a disability income policy that offers stronger protection, such as individual disability insurance for doctors. Doctors live by their skills and abilities and a disabling illness or injury can make it impossible for them to carry out the duties of their occupations, which can jeopardize their earning potential. A disabling injury or illness can lay waste all the years of education, training, and experience physicians worked so hard to build, leaving them unable to earn an income. Nevertheless, even with the clear benefits of a DI policy, many people are still hesitant to purchase one. As their trusted advisors, your job is identify and overcome the obstacles that keep them from buying disability income protection. Whatever the obstacles may be, peace of mind is a strong motivator for everyone, without exception.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Tips on Selling Personal Disability Insurance: Wind up for the Pitch

Establish a Reason to Buy Throughout your pitch, firmly establish the reasons your client needs the product you are offering. Why should anyone need disability insurance? Ask him or her how long he thinks he or she can live without a paycheck before he or she would fall into deep in debt, and perhaps later need to depend on others. Accidents and unexpected illnesses happen in a moment’s notice; it makes good sense to prepare for them. Source Brokerage, Inc. can help you design individual disability insurance plans to meet the specific needs of your clients; however, it’s your job to sell the need for disability insurance to your professional clients. Disability insurance is a necessity that many still take for granted until it’s too late. Insurance brokers with strong presentation skills can help their clients realize the wisdom of having disability income protection, and the folly of not.